Forward Festival Sunshine Coast Speaker - Kim Wiegand

Kim Wiegand

Mon 26th

Kim Wiegand

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I aim to impact the success and sustainability of professional service firms, including their current and future leaders, through purposeful strategy and key person skill-development. I drive growth within professional services firms of all sizes advising on and managing projects covering; firm structure, CX, client pursuits, marketing, business development and targeted skill development. I work directly with firm leadership teams to assess and advise on future-focused growth. Through industry research, I have designed a next-generation partnership readiness course: The Foundation Pathways to Partnership Program. This program supports new and aspiring partners to lead profitable, high performing and sustainable careers specifically in the legal industry. www.julip.com.au I am also a strong advocate for equality for women, aimed at recognising the value of diversity of thought that women and other minority groups can bring, particularly to the corporate sphere. Equality in the workplace is significantly impacted by acceptance and appreciation of the value a diverse group of people bring to business success. I am proud of the part that I play in normalising this for the next generation.