
Artificial Intelligence

Increasing Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a key component of many industries due to its significant embedding within the technologies that we use… But have you assessed your readiness for this technological leap? Forward Fest is providing AI-based insights across all sessions to explore the application of AI in various sectors.


As of 2021, 86% of CEO’s believe that AI is now a mainstream technology within their office. When looking towards the horizon, approximately 80% of retail executives confirm that they will be adopting AI-powered intelligent automation before 2027. In addition to this, the wearable AI market is predicted to grow exorbitantly, illustrating the diverse applications of this advanced technology.


However, when considering the benefits of AI-based technology, businesses are challenged by lack of staff skills, the fear of the unknown, and difficulty in finding where to begin.


Due to the widespread reach and the challenges that businesses are currently facing when considering AI, Forward Fest has ensured that components of AI-focused learnings have been embedded into each session across all of the Forward Fest 2022 events.



Want to find out more about each Forward Fest session and decide which one is right for you? Follow the links below to view the full schedule of events.



More from our AI track partner…

Forward Fest has partnered with The Queensland AI Hub to deliver insights on AI. Furthermore, The Queensland AI Hub will also be delivering insights on the world of exports.

In collaboration with Austrade, the Export Council of Australia and The Queensland AI Hub will be hosting a 2-day ‘Export Readiness Workshop’ as part of their Export Market Development Program. This is designed for small to medium enterprises to gain insights on how your business can become export-ready and reach new international markets.

If you are an innovator or start-up, we encourage you to join us for this upcoming Export Readiness Program on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th September 2022 at the University of Sunshine Coast.

Visit this link HERE to learn more.

Key events

Explore Our Events with Ai Sessions


Track Partner

Queensland AI Hub

The Queensland AI Hub is building Australia’s AI industry to be innovative, sustainable and globally competitive.
Our mandate is to collaborate and coordinate programs and activities that will grow all AI businesses, and connect industry, research and government for AI adoption, advocate for increased investment in AI, and promote AI capabilities to solve industry problems, improve productivity and generate jobs through AI technology adoption and digital transformation.


Program Partners

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